To help Japanese companies meet their lifecycle requirements towards customers, tenders, scorecards, authorities and investors, PV CYCLE and its Japanese parnter JPV make a comprehensive collection network for discarded PV modules available.
In Japan PV CYCLE operates a partner network for small quantities of PV modules as well as its tailor-made waste management service for production and B2B consumer waste.
For small quantities of PV module waste, the JPV network – supported by PV CYCLE with its specially designed collection box – operates dedicated collection points. Drop of your PV module waste there!
For more information, please visit the JPV website.
For large quantities, PV CYCLE offers its tailor-made pick-up and state-of-the-art recycling service. This service is available for companies and their production or post-production waste as well as for B2B waste holders.
For more information, fill out the online form.
You have waste or want to reassure your customers? You want to establish a company-own waste management program or outperform competitors in tenders and scorecards? Then fill out the request form or email us at Our experienced team will be happy to assist you in your very specific waste needs.
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